Ekonomispelet in English for researchers and research leaders

Bild på Ekonomispelet, spelplan och spelpjäser

Uppsala University’s in-house finance game Ekonom­ispelet provides the participants with an overall understanding of the organization from a financial perspective. Basic financial concepts are given concrete meaning by simulation events in a board game, translating them into financial terms and interpreting them in reports.

This course is aimed at

  • Research Leader
  • Researcher with a doctoral degree


  • Finances
  • Leadership and management development

Target group

Researchers with a leadership position and other researchers with a doctoral degree in charge of research projects.


The aim is to help participants understand the financial language and to explain basic financial concepts. The overarching aim is to equip the participants with the knowledge they need to make the best possible decisions. Ekonomispelet isn't about winning – it's about using your resources intelligently.


After the course we hope the participants will:
• have an overview and an understanding of the financial workings of Uppsala University ant their own departments
• understand the language of financies
• find ways to plan and follow these operations


Basic financial concepts, such as income statement, revenue, expenses, joint costs, net income, balance sheet, fixed assets, capital brought forward and prepaid grants are given concrete meaning by simulation events in a board game, translating them into financial terms and interpreting them in reports.

Course leaders

Maria Andersson, Lyceum, and colleagues from the Accounting Office at the Financial Administration and Procurement Division and Career and Leadership Development Centre.

Course offered by

Karriär & Ledning – Career and Leadership Development Centre
Uppsala universitet – Uppsala University

This one day course (08.30–17.00) includes short theory sessions explaining basic financial concepts such as income statement, revenue, expenses, joint costs, net income, fixed assets, capital brought forward and prepaid grants.

These theory sessions alternate and are integratied with a board game – Ekonomispelet – where the participants sit at different "game tables" and complete two different game years.

A short film about Ekonomispelet on Youtube (in Swedish).

Course occasions and sign-up

3 oktober 2024, 08:3017:30
Language of instruction
Application deadline: 2024-09-30
Here is a link to the application form
The number of participants is limited to 15.


Cajsa Ekstav
Karriär & Ledning/Career and Leadership Development Centre
Avdelningen för kvalitetsutveckling/Division for Quality Enhancement

