Spillage and decontamination of chemicals

Spillage of dangerous chemicals or infectious agent are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment and present an increased risk of accident if the leak is not immediately addressed and effectively disposed of in a safety-conscious manner.

Decontamination equipment

Any part of the University that handles chemicals must provide its own equipment for handling lesser spills. This equipment should include, for instance, absorption materials (such as vermiculite) and protective clothing. It is recommended to store decontamination equipment on a movable cart.

Decontamination of larger spills and spills of an unknown nature

When dealing with more extensive spills or when the type of spilled chemical is unknown, employees should refrain from decontaminating the spill themselves. Close the door to the room containing the spill and take measures to ensure that no unauthorized personnel enter, for instance by labelling the door.

Please contact RECOVER tel. 0771 - 10 35 00.

The number are manned 24 hours a day. English speaking personnel shall be available to handle calls. Provide as much information as possible on the materials to be decontaminated. If it is a chemical CAS number must be provided as well as information about a valid safety data sheet. If possible, show the risk assessment for the handling of the chemical to the contact person. The decontamination of the spill will be done based on the information you give.

Personnel shall be on-site and positioned to assist within two hours of a request. The company can also provide transportation of decontaminated materials.

Decontamination of equipment and furnishings

Decontamination of equipment or furnishings may be necessary e.g. when dispose of equipment or premises. Examples of equipment or furnishings are fume hoods, laboratory equipment, water traps, ventilation ducts and premises such as cabinets, benches and walls.

Contact RECOVER tel. 0771 - 10 35 00 and agree on the scope of the order. RECOVER must submit a certificate that decontamination has been carried out, unless otherwise agreed.

Incident or work injury

Any spillage that cause accidents, for instance skin injuries due to contact with the chemical in question, are to be reported as work injuries.

All other spills of harmful chemicals are considered incidents, i.e. an event that could have resulted in personal injury or an accident.

Work injuries and incidents shall be reported in the IA-system. Information via the link in the linklist.

Links related to decontamination

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