Office workplace

Working in an office is the daily working environment for many employees. The design of the office workplace can vary. The risks in the office work environment can be of an organizational and social nature, physical or risks in the digital work environment.

Recent research has highlighted that the very sedentary nature of office work is a risk factor. Measures can include ensuring that employees have both knowledge of the importance of movement breaks and the opportunity to take them regularly.

Tips for promoting health in the office:

  • Vary your posture. Alternate between standing and sitting.
  • Choose where you work. If you will be doing work that requires you to have different documents up at the same time, make sure you have a workstation with screens.
  • For example, if you are reading a report, an armchair may be more suitable.
  • Take breaks. Avoid being sedentary for too long.
  • Think about how you affect and are affected by your surroundings. Sometimes headphones or screens can be a good way to avoid distractions.
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