
Specific requirements for CMR class products

The provisions Chemical Hazards in the Working Environment 2011:19 state that specific requirements apply when handling materials with the following hazard statements or risk phrases:

H350 May cause cancer
H340 May cause genetic defects
H360 May cause harm to fertility or to the unborn child

Investigation regarding the possibility of replacing a product

In order to handle CMR-classed products, a documented investigation must be carried out to show that it is not technically possible to replace the product with one that carries less risk of personal injury and harm. You can use linked form for the investigation. Save the signed form at the department, accessible in case it is requested.

Form for CMR-investigation Word, 110 kB.

Risk assessment

The risk assessment of CMR classed products shall clearly state where the CMR materials will be handled and what methods will be used to ensure that only necessary personnel are allowed in the area. Protective measures taken and any special personal safety equipment required to ensure minimal exposure must be specified. A description of how equipment, processes, and ventilation systems will be monitored to detect potentially dangerous anomalies must be included in the documentation.

Minimizing exposure

If closed handling is impossible, special measures must be taken in order to minimize exposure.

  • Choose a method that minimizes air contamination, spills, and splashing
  • Choose a process ventilation system capable of minimizing air contamination
  • Use protective clothing and gloves when at risk of contact with the material, and exchange them when commencing another type of work
  • Clean up spills quickly and safely
  • Clean surfaces daily and immediately following a completed task
  • Products and waste shall be stored and transported in shockproof, sealed, and clearly labelled containers


In accordance with the Swedish Work Environment Agency’s provisions Chemical Hazards in the Working Environment 2011:19 41§, the employer shall keep a register of employees who have been exposed to potential risks of ill-health while working with carcinogenic and mutagenic chemical products. The register must be kept for 40 years.

The chemical products concerned are those classified with one or several of the following hazard statements/risk phrases:

H350 May cause cancer
H340 May cause genetic defects

When should exposure be registered?
If it has been found that the level of exposure has been high enough to present a risk of ill-health in the form of cancer or genetic defects, the employer must register the exposed individuals. The exposure shall be able to be detected through the method of supervision decided upon.

Registration is mainly done whenever it is discovered that an employee has worked in an environment with higher levels of air contaminants than the occupational exposure limit value, if there is one for the material in question. It may also be necessary if an accident has resulted in a temporarily elevated level of exposure.

Causes of a high level of exposure include

  • inadequate ventilation
  • failure to use personal protective equipment for the work, or the inadequacy of such
  • failure to adhere to guidelines for handling and protection

If work has been carried out in violation of the provisions 40-44 §§, if planning and supervision of the work has been inadequate, or if employees have not been properly informed of the indications of the materials in question, there may also be cause to suspect increased risk of cancer or genetic defects. This also applies if the conditions for permits for the handling of A and B materials have not been fulfilled.

In order to ensure that this requirement is fulfilled at the University, the following routine must be adhered to:

  • the form "Register enligt AFS 2011:19" must be completed immediately following exposure. Heads of Department/equivalent are responsible for the completion of the form
  • The completed form is to be submitted to HR-avdelningen / Löneeneheten via the internal mail where the form is stored in the personal file of the employee.

Register according to AFS 2011:19

