Adaptation and rehabilitation

If you are sick or injured, you may need adaptation and rehabilitation. The relevant measures depend on your needs. The right adaptations and effective rehabilitation are tools that we use to promote health and good working results.

Need for adaptation

Sometimes adjustments are needed based on changed conditions or life situation. Dialogue with the head of department/equivalent is a first step in finding ways forward and promoting health.


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Absence due to sickness and rehabilitation

As an employee, you have a responsibility to comply with the sickness procedures at the workplace and to cooperate in rehabilitation measures.

  • Engage in dialogue with your head of department/equivalent to agree about rehabilitation needs.
  • Submit doctor’s certificates to your employer.
  • Take part actively in the planning and implementation of your rehabilitation.
  • If possible, keep in touch with your workplace while on sick leave.
  • Remember that as an employee you have a right to be accompanied by a supporting person from a union, a safety representative or a colleague at rehabilitation meetings.
  • Inform your employer if you are granted sickness compensation.

Anonymous consultations

Anonymous consultations at the occupational health service.

Your active participation is a basic prerequisite for a successful rehabilitation and return to work. You need to submit information to enable your employer to identify your rehabilitation needs and take the right measures. For a good result, it is important that you, the employee, take an active role and participate in the process. This involves, for example, being contactable, attending meetings, participating in measures and following agreed plans.

Heads of department/equivalent are responsible for adapting work if necessary and for vocational rehabilitation. This entails a responsibility for investigating adaptation and rehabilitation needs and implementing measures for their staff. The head of department/equivalent has a responsibility to document all meetings and measures taking place during the process of rehabilitation.

Successful adaptation and rehabilitation require close cooperation between several actors.

The occupational health service is the employer’s expert resource for both preventive and rehabilitative work environment management in the workplace and work adaptation. The head of department/equivalent assesses vocational rehabilitation needs and orders services from the occupational health service.

Remember that as an employee you are entitled to anonymous consultations. Employees have the opportunity to contact and visit a psychologist/behavioural scientist at the occupational health service on their own initiative in the event of work-related illness, without prior consultation with, or approval from, their head of department/equivalent.

Union representative

A union representative can support an employee and participate in the rehabilitation process. You are free to decide whether your representative receives access to the documentation in your case.

Safety representative

A safety representative can be involved as support in rehabilitation cases if the employee wishes. The role of the safety representative is to represent all members of staff at the workplace, offer opinions in connection with work adaptation and promote a good work environment at group level.

Försäkringskassan (Swedish Social Insurance Agency)

Försäkringskassan has a coordinating responsibility for rehabilitation and decides on the right to sickness benefit based on information in doctor’s certificates. Försäkringskassan is responsible for identifying rehabilitation needs in consultation with you and ensuring that necessary measures are taken.


An HR generalist supports the head of department/equivalent with regard to legislation and regulations and has expertise in work environment and rehabilitation matters and labour law. An HR generalist can participate in rehabilitation meetings.

Rehabilitation matters are subject to confidentiality. Everyone who acquires information about the health status of a member of staff in the course of their duties is under an obligation to observe confidentiality. If you give your consent, your employer may contact your health service provider. It is important that both parties strive for a trustful dialogue during the rehabilitation process.

Adato is the University's system for monitoring and documentation of rehabilitation and preventive measures. Adato is integrated with our payroll system Primula and handles information about employees and their sick leave.

The personal data processed includes name, personal identity number, AKKA ID, organisation unit, position, form of employment, employment rate, sick leave and salary.

The purpose of processing the personal data is: A comprehensive, secure and clear documentation means that every step in a rehabilitation is clarified, from meeting legal requirements for a rehabilitation plan at an early stage to different adaptation possibilities being assessed, tested and evaluated systematically.

No personal data is transferred to third countries (countries that are not members of the EU or EEA).

The personal data controller and service provider is:

Uppsala University
Box 256
751 05 Uppsala

Contact person for the service:

Jurisdiction of the service provider: Sweden

You have the right to request an extract from the register in order to check what information is registered about you. Read more about your rights and how the University handles personal data. The personal data is retained in Adato as long as the data is considered necessary.

Adato complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the international standard GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct.

