More information on parental leave

Here you will find out what rules apply for parental leave, and how to apply.

You may be on full-time leave until your child becomes 18 months old.

Upon adoption of a child, the 18-month period begins from the day the child is in your care.

If the child is over 18 months, you are entitled to take parental leave at the same extent as the parental benefits are claimed (100, 75, 50, 25, 12.5%). You may reduce your normal working hours with up to a quarter (25%) to care for your child, even if no parental benefits are claimed from Försäkringskassan. This applies until the end of the year during which the child becomes 12 years old.

The leave of absence may be divided into a maximum of three periods per calendar year. A period constitutes the time during which a parental leave is taken consecutively without breaks. This can be for one day, one month or another time period. The period is broken of the extent of the leave is altered or if a leave other than parental leave is taken, e.g. if you pass from full-time parental leave to part-time. Should one of your leave periods run into the following year, it is seen as belonging to the year during which you began the leave period. These three periods do not include visits to pre-natal care, leave to participate in parental classes or if you visit school/preschool. Any further division may only be made if your employer so agrees.

An application for parental leave must be made two months before the leave is due to begin. You self-report the leave in Primula web. During a parental leave, a salary deduction is made corresponding to the extent of your leave.

Apply for parental leave in Primula

Guide for application for parental leave in Primula

There are several choices to make. Ensure that you select the correct type of leave. You must state the child the leave concerns. Read the manual on how to add information on children in Primula, and how to proceed before the child is born/has received a Swedish personal identification number.

The parental benefits are paid out by Försäkringskassan. To find out how much you will receive in parental benefit, access the Försäkringskassan website.

You self-report the leave and apply for parental benefits at Försäkringskassan. It is possible that the Payroll Unit must confirm questions regarding your income, in which case you e-mail together with the code received from Försäkringskassan.

More information and application for parental benefits (Försäkringskassan’s website)

The parental benefit supplement is a compensation from the university. This is calculated on your current calendar day salary at the onset of the parental leave. The parental benefit supplement is 10% below and 90% above the basic amount, respectively.

When the parental benefit is paid out at the level of sickness benefit level, the university will compensate 10% of your daily salary up to the basic amount ceiling, a so-called parental benefit supplement. If your annual salary is higher than the maximum sickness benefit level (the basic amount / 12 x 10) you will also receive a compensation for the parts of the salary that exceeds the basic amount ceiling with 90% of your daily salary.

The parental benefit supplement can be paid out at a maximum of 360 whole days for each birth. No extra days will be paid out for e.g. the birth of twins. The supplement is paid out at a rate of either 100, 75, 50 or 25%. When the employee receives 1/8 of parental benefit (12.5%), no parental supplement is paid out.

To receive your parental benefit supplement, send your payment slip from Försäkringskassan to the Payroll Unit via email. It is important that the slips are submitted to the Payroll Unit each month in order to ensure that your vacation quota is correctly updated and your parental benefit supplement paid out.

In connection with the birth or adoption of a child the other parent is entitled to leave from work and to receive a compensation for 10 working days in connection with the birth of the child. In case of the birth of twins, 20 days are compensated. The compensation is called 10-days or temporary parental benefit in connection with the birth of a child, and is handled by Försäkringskassan. The days must be used within 60 days from the child coming home from hospital.

These days may be used by someone other than the second parent, in which case you must be insured in Sweden. Försäkringskassan is the deciding authority.

You self-report the leave in Primula Web. It is important that you know the dates for beginning and ending of the leave.

If your income is above the price base amount calculated by Försäkringskassan, Uppsala University will complement your benefit based on your income above the base amount ceiling. The compensation can be paid out at a maximum of 10 working days per annum and is paid out automatically when a salary deduction is made for the days you register leave for care of a sick child (vab) in Primula.

Apply for leave in Primula

Guide for application for temporary parental benefit (VAB/Birth of a child 10 days)

You self-report the leave and apply for temporary parental benefits at Försäkringskassan

Should you become so ill during your parental leave that you are not able to care for the child, Försäkringskassan can decide that your parental benefit may be exchanged for sickness benefit. In such a case, email your sickness benefit slips from Försäkringskassan monthly to the Payroll Unit.

Vacation during parental leave

It is not possible to take leave for vacation and parental leave with parental benefits from Försäkringskassan at the same time.

Before the beginning of your leave, 20 vacation days of the current year’s vacation quota should have been used (in cases where you are entitled to at least 20 days), since the regulations for vacations states that at least 20 days of vacation must be used each year. You should also plan for using at least 20 vacation days each calendar year, even though you are on parental leave.

The right to vacation during parental leave

Days with compensation from Försäkringskassan on sickness benefit level are accepted as base for vacation. Your parental benefit supplement is based on the level of compensation from Försäkringskassan, 25, 50, 75 or 100%. Days of 1/8th of compensation (12.5%) are not valid for parental benefit supplement, nor are they grounds for vacation days.

When a parental leave is registered in Primula web, your vacation days are reduced. Your vacation quota is updated each month as you submit your payment slips from Försäkringskassan to the Payroll Unit.

Parental leave for children 8-12 years of age is neither base for vacation, nor for pension.

You have the right to cancel your ongoing leave and resume work at the same extent as before your leave. The employee must notify their employer as soon as possible. If the parental leave would have lasted a month or more, the employer can defer the return by a month at the most counting from the day which the employer received the notification.

If you are pregnant you may be entitled to pregnancy benefit if you have a physically demanding job or work in a risky environment and your employer cannot transfer you to other tasks. You apply for this at Försäkringskassan. Apply for parental leave in Primula web at the same time. E-mail your payment slips from Försäkringskassan to the Payroll Unit. Pregnancy benefits can be applied for at 25, 50, 75 or 100 % and 60 days before estimated day of birth at the earliest.

According to the Act of parental leave (1995:584) 9 § you have the right to a reduced normal working time with up to a quarter, if a childcare allowance is awarded.

A childcare allowance may be awarded from the time the child is new-born, up until June during the year the child is 19 years of age. Follow the manual for parental leave, select cause Childcare allowance max 25%.

Guide for application for parental leave

You have the possibility to apply for withdrawal of granted parental leave by applying for it in Primula web.

Withdrawal of parental leave - guide

