Our fascinating planet

Uncovering missing links: discovery of the oldest sea reptiles from the Age of Dinosaurs

Benjamin Kear

The Museum of Evolution in Uppsala has ancient remains of the oldest sea reptiles in their fossil collection. Such rare finds have challenged long-held theories of the Mesozoic Era as the origin time of major reptile lineages. Meet Dr. Benjamin Kear in a talk about the search for evolutionary missing links and the central role of museums in sustainable development of natural and cultural heritage. Samtalet ges på engelska.

12th of april 2023.

See "Uncovering missing links: discovery of the oldest sea reptiles from the Age of Dinosaurs"

Porträtt av Benjamin Kear.

Travel into the bone of fossils to reveal their secrets to our history

Sophie Sanchez

The first animals with four legs emerged from the water long before dinosaurs appeared. How could they adapt to life on land? To study their growth and physiology, palaeontologist Sophie Sanchez uses one of the most powerful X-rays in the world to investigate fossil skeletons and reveal their secrets. Join us and learn more about Sophie's work, fossils and what we can learn from ancient skeletons. Samtalet ges på engelska.

27th of september 2022.

See "Travel into the bone of fossils to reveal their secrets to our history"

Porträtt av Sophie Sanchez.

The two faces of Volcanoes – learning to benefit from the monster

Valentin Troll

Meet Valentin Troll, Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development talking about volcanoes and how they can be very destructive but also how they provide us with a vastness of resources that shape our daily lives and without which we would not exist in the way we are today.

9th of june 2020.

See "The two faces of volcanoes - learning to benefit from the monster"

Porträtt av Valentin Troll.

