Procedure for student projects and unpaid internships at IGP

The following procedure applies to all students who carry out research projects or unpaid internships with a research group at IGP. The procedure must be followed before a student or intern is registered in Columbus and commences their project.

It is the responsibility of the group leader to:

  1. Determine whether the student’s project is a project course (i.e. has a course registration at UU or other university) or an unpaid internship (i.e. does not have a course registration).
  2. If it is a project course, contact the student’s examiner to verify that the student is eligible for the course and is expected to get a course registration by the planned starting date.
    b. If it is an unpaid internship, fill out the form Agreement on interships at IGP Pdf, 147 kB. and send to course coordinator Kristin Peisker.
  3. Register the student electronically in Columbus.

Entry cards may only be applied for the time period covered by the course registration or internship agreement. It is not allowed to start before or finish after this time period.

If an extension of the student’s project is needed, a new Columbus registration and a new course registration or internship agreement must be submitted.

