Unit for Professional English

The Unit for Professional English is a unit within the Department of English at Uppsala University, created in 2016 specifically to support Uppsala University staff and doctoral students in improving their English proficiency.

Via the links to current course offerings on the right, you will find more detailed information about each course as well as how to apply and register.

See also our FAQ below. If you need more information about UPE and what we can offer, please feel free to contact us..

  • Course registration works on a first-come, first-served basis. A participant is not considered to be registered until they have submitted an application form signed by their head of department or equivalent. It is fine to express interest in a course prior to getting the head of department’s signature, but everyone submitting a completed form will be placed ahead in the queue.
  • A participant may withdraw from the course and receive a full refund up until the day before the course begins. After that, their department will be billed, regardless of whether that individual attends the course or not.
  • A participant who failed to complete a course in the past may apply to re-take the course in the future. In the event that there is an open spot on the course when it starts, s/he may take the course without paying the fee again.
  • A participant must be present for at least 66% of the classroom hours and complete all of the course assignments in order to qualify for a certificate of completion.


Our regular courses are offered for a per-participant fee, with the expectation that the participant's department (or administrative unit) will pay the fee. Each participant must submit a form guaranteeing payment in order to register for a course.

Anyone who is currently employed by Uppsala University is eligible: teaching staff, researchers, doctoral students, administrative staff, librarians, etc. Master's students and undergraduate students are not eligible; for student needs, we recommend The Language Workshop.

Information on how to register for a course given by UPE is set out on the information page for each course.

Unfortunatlely, our resources do not permit us to offer individual lessons or tutoring. If you are a student or doctoral student, we suggest that you contact The Language Workshop.

We do not offer translation, editing, or proofreading services.

Yes, we can be contracted to develop custom courses, and have developed both long-term courses and workshops to order. These are ususally billed at a fixed price that is determined on the basis of the course design and the number of participants expected. Feel free to contact us to discuss any ideas or questions you may have.

Our Teachers

The Unit for Professional English is a team of instructors employed by the Department of English with many years of teaching experience and representing a very high level of expertise in English, linguistics and literature. They teach UPE courses in addition to their courses for undergraduate and Master's students. While most of the UPE courses are taught by a single instructor, some are team-taught by a pair of instructors.

Linnéa Anglemark

Linnéa Anglemark is a senior lecturer at the Department of English, where she teaches linguistics and academic writing. She has a PhD in English linguistics, and has previously worked at the Language Workshop at Uppsala University, where she taught written and spoken English proficiency.

Linnéa Anglemark

Christer Larsson

Christer Larsson is a senior lecturer in the Department of English, where he works mainly with courses in English for Specific Purposes but also teaches literature and academic writing. He has a PhD in English from Uppsala University and has previously taught at the Stockholm School of Economics and Stockholm University.

Christer Larsson

Christine Mackay Tircomnicu

Christine Mackay Tircomnicu is a junior lecturer at the Department of English. She teaches a variety of courses involving language proficiency, grammar and culture. Christine has a Master of Arts degree from the University of Glasgow, a Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics from the University of Sussex, and the Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults from the University of Cambridge. She has previously taught at Folkuniversitetet, worked as a language consultant for PRV and written material and presented radio programmes for Utbildningsradion.

Christine Mackay Tircomnicu

