Psychology and Modern Society

7.5 credits

Course, Bachelor's level, 5LH016

Summer 2023 Summer 2023, Flexible, 50%, Distance learning, The course will be taught in English, if needed

About the course

The course deals with the development of psychology as a modern science from the nineteenth century to our time. Through historical case studies, the course examines the emergence of psychology and the central role it has come to play in Western society.

How has psychology developed and shaped modern society and its institutions? How has the relationship between psychology and medical psychiatry developed and what role does psychological and psychiatric knowledge play in how modern societies categorize people into healthy and sick, normal and deviant, successful and unsuccessful? How does psychological knowledge affect our way of understanding ourselves as individuals and our place in society?

These are some of the central questions that the course highlights, based on current research and theory.

Outline for distance course: The course is given online. All contact with the teachers and other students is conducted via e-mail and online forums. In order to participate, students must have access to a computer, internet and e-mail. The course is examined through participation in on-line discussions and written assignments.

