The Past

What did the Vikings really have in their graves? And who were the people who went down with the Vasa? New technology is giving us a more detailed picture of history. Our many collections from the past now appear in a new light.

The people who died on the Vasa

DNA analysis helps us get to know the crew of the warship Vasa. Thanks to the new technology, researcher Marie Allen can see the colour of their hair, the consistency of their earwax and whether or not they were musical.

A window into the Viking Age

Who were the Vikings really? Uppsala University has a unique collection that is yielding new answers. Watch researchers talk about board games, swords and Viking Age symbols found in boat graves near Uppsala.

Uncovering ancient DNA

We can now find out how people lived thousands of years ago – their way of life, their movements and how long they lived. All thanks to advanced DNA technology. Come with us to Ancient DNA Lab, the laboratory that turns the spotlight on remains from the distant past.

Plant collection with old roots

Armed with a gun fitted with an axe head, Linnaeus disciple Carl Peter Thunberg travelled the world collecting plants. His findings and many other plants are now stored in the herbarium at the Museum of Evolution. Listen to Mats Hjersson talking about the collection.

