Marie-Christine Skuncke

Professor emeritus at Department of Literature and Rhetoric; Affiliated staff

Mobile phone:
+46 73 630 72 08
Visiting address:
Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3 P
Postal address:
Box 632
751 26 UPPSALA
mottagn. e.ö.

Short presentation

Marie-Christine Skuncke, Professor of Literature at Uppsala University, emerita since 2016. In my research, I focus on various aspects of the Swedish eighteenth century - theatre and opera, education of princes, political culture, natural history - in a European and global perspective. I have been actively involved in international eighteenth-century cooperation. Founder and chair of the Uppsala Interdisciplinary Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies, 1995-2016.

CV and Selected Publications.


CV: see above, Short Presentation

Uppsala Interdisciplinary Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies

Founder and chair 1995-2016 of the Uppsala Interdisciplinary Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies (Tvärvetenskapligt 1700-talsseminarium i Uppsala), a forum for eighteenth-century scholars across geographical, disciplinary and generational boundaries. Speakers included over 200 Swedish and international scholars from a range of disciplines. The seminar was chaired by Professor Ann Öhrberg 2017-2021. From autumn 2021 it is chaired by Professor Otto Fischer.


Research Interests

Eighteenth-century Sweden in a European and global perspective, especially theatre and opera, education of princes, political culture, media history; Carl Peter Thunberg’s voyage to Japan in the 1770s and eighteenth-century natural history. Recent articles include a study of the genesis of the first Swedish Freedom of the Press Act in 1766 (English version in Press Freedom 250 Years, 2018), a study of the Swedish-Finnish-Russian naturalist Eric Laxman and his contacts with Japan (in English, Svenska Linnésällskapets Årsskrift 2018), and a study of the Swedish king Gustav III's medal history and that of Louis XIV (in French, 2023).

2021: Online Editions and Edited Monograph

Two monographs in Swedish from the 1990s are now available online:

- Gustaf III. Det offentliga barnet. En prins retoriska och politiska fostran (Stockholm: Atlantis, 1993), in Litteraturbanken:

- Svenska operans födelse. Studier i gustaviansk musikdramatik (with Anna Ivarsdotter, Stockholm: Atlantis, 1998), online publications of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music:

Edited Monograph: Co-editor, posthumous edition: Barbro Klein, I tosaforornas värld. Gustav berättar [In a Flapdoodle World: Gustav's Storytelling], eds. Georg Drakos, Marie-Christine Skuncke et al. (Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag, 2021):

Literary translation:

I have translated into Swedish verse the libretto of the French 18th century opera Dardanus by Jean-Philippe Rameau, which was produced at Confidencen (the Ulriksdal Palace Theatre near Stockholm) in summer 2023:

Versailles Database:

Database "Les Visiteurs de Versailles", Notices in French about Swedish eighteenth-century visitors to Versailles and translations into French of their descriptions (entered 2019).

Work in Progress

  • A stage director on the throne: Gustav III's historical drama Gustaf Adolph och Ebba Brahe, 1784, conference paper.
  • Tragedy in mid-eighteenth-century Sweden, article.

Lectures and Talks Online

Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS), Uppsala: "Carl Peter Thunberg, Japan och Linneanum", talk in Swedish, Kulturnatten 16 September 2016: The talk begins after c. 12 minutes.

Centre de recherche du Château de Versailles: "L'Histoire métallique de Gustave III de Suède et ses sources dans celle de Louis XIV", paper in French, audio recording from the symposium "Les médailles de Louis XIV et leur livre", 2018:

Uppsala Forum on Democracy, Peace and Justice: Lecture in English on Peter Forsskål and his Tankar om borgerlig frihet (Thoughts on Civil Liberty) 1759, at the symposium "Thinking Enlightenment" 2 December 2020: The lecture begins after c. 19.30 minutes.


Recent publications

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Marie-Christine Skuncke

