Karin Enskär

Short presentation

Karin Enskär is a Professor of Paediatric Nursing at the Department of Women´s and Children´s Health, combined with employment as a Specialist Nurse at Uppsala University Hospital. Her research mainly concerns: Nursing care of children with cancer, Stress and pain during medical procedures, Children as next of kin, and Child and School Health services.


Karin Enskär is a Professor of Paediatric Nursing at the Department of Women´s and Children´s Health Uppsala University, combined with employment as a Specialist Nurse at Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden, since 2021. Her research and teaching concerns Children´s and young people´s health, Nursing of sick children and their families, as Caring, Quality of life, Pain management, and Children´s rights. Also, supervision of papers and dissertations.

Karin Enskär´s doctoral dissertation, presented at Linköping University in 1997, concerned the experience of life situation in children and adolescents with cancer and their families. Her present research mainly concerns different aspects of nursing of children with cancer and their families. She is collaborating with researchers from China, Singapore, South Africa, USA and Sweden. She is also supervising colleagues and postgraduate students in a variety of studies, such as Everyday life and nursing care of children with cancer and other long-term diseases, Stress and pain during medical procedures for children, Children as next of kin to a sick parent, Nursing care in Child and School Health services. Karin Enskär is often engaged as reviewer for pre-reviewed journals and on examination boards and the boards of foundations.


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Karin Enskär

