Medical health insurance

Before you arrive in Sweden, we recommend you review your insurance coverage. The insurance policies provided by Uppsala University may not cover all your needs, and therefore we strongly advise you read the insurance chapter thoroughly, so that you are aware of what insurance coverage you may need.

Personal injury insurance for doctoral students and employees

All registered doctoral students and employees at Uppsala University are covered by personal injury insurance during study/work hours and when travelling directly between the place of residence and the place where study/work hours are spent.

For university employees there is also a complementary personal injury insurance called PSA (Personal Injury Agreement, personskadeavtal). The insurance company AFA can pay compensation for loss of income, expenses, and physical and mental suffering. Read the policy conditions at AFA Insurance (only in Swedish).

Staying in Sweden more than one year

A personal identity number (personnummer) is normally given to anyone who will be staying in Sweden for one year or more. The number gives you access to reduced costs in the Swedish health and medical care system. All you have to do is provide your personal identity number whenever you visit a clinic or hospital. Read more about personal identity numbers in the section Register with the Swedish Tax Agency.

Staying in Sweden less than one year

EU/EEA citizens

EU/EEA citizens are strongly advised to bring their European health insurance card. The card gives you the right to necessary health care to reduced costs. Please note that EU/EEA citizens on stipends are entitled only to necessary health care. For EU/EEA citizens who do not qualify for a European health insurance card, necessary health care will be covered by Uppsala University’s Insurance for foreign visitors (see below), as long as a personal identity number is not received.

Non-EU/EEA citizens

If you are a citizen from a non-EU/EEA country and have not received a personal identity number, the Insurance for foreign visitors will cover costs for necessary health care during your stay in Sweden (see below).

Insurance for foreign visitors (FUB)

International employees, scholarship holders, doctoral students and accompanying family members are covered by a group insurance policy, the Insurance for Foreign Visitors (Försäkring för Utländska Besökare, FUB) by Kammarkollegiet. The insurance policy covers necessary, reasonable, and documented expenses for emergency medical or dental care when the insured person has suffered from illness or accident during the insurance period. The insurance also coveres emergency home transportation, liability, legal rights, and property.

The FUB insurance is mainly intended for persons staying less than one year in Sweden. The FUB insurance is valid until the visitor obtains a Swedish personal identity number. For accompanying family members, the FUB insurance is valid until the family member obtains a Swedish personal identity number.

Read the full policy conditions at Kammarkollegiet.

